Leadership Mindset: Scaling Meaningful Impact

Here's a critical mindset shift many new executive leaders at established nonprofits need to make.

It's no longer about your individual impact as a high performer.

Now, it's about scaling meaningful impact throughout your team.

Don't get me wrong. You are brilliant. And your expertise matters.

But to be healthy and effective, the ways your team thinks, plans, communicates and works together will play a greater role in your success than your subject matter expertise.

Focus less on what the board or your CEO thinks of your individual performance.

Focus more on creating clear expectations, prioritizing good communication and consistent processes, and building a trusting team that wins together.

It may seem obvious, but it's something that comes up over and over again with the new executive leaders I work with.

What other important mindset shifts did you need to make as a new executive leader? Join the conversation on LinkedIn.


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